Installing the Bundled Plugins

Navigate to the theme menu / Plugins page to manage the bundled plugins with the theme. Some of the plugins might be free plugins that are available to update from the regular WordPress / Plugins screen. But, for the theme extension and other premium plugins you need to use “Manage Plugins” page to automatically install or update.


Manually Install / Update Bundled Plugins

If you are having difficulties using the Manage Plugins tool, you can try manually updating your plugins. Important Note: Make sure you have updated the theme first before updating the bundled plugins.

Step 1: Download the theme ZIP file from your ThemeForest Account / Downloads page and extract it to your computer.

Step 2: Go to your WordPress Admin / Plugins and click on the “Add New” button and select a related plugin zip file from the /theme-name*/rt-framework/plugins/packages/ folder on your computer and follow the screen instructio